Getting Your Yard Ready for Fall

With the autumn winds and chill coming to Utah, you might be thinking your yard work is done for the year. But if you want a nice yard next spring, take the time to care for your lawn this fall. Here are some things to do to prepare your outside area(s) for winter:

1. Clean up Keep mowing and maintaining your lawn until it really gets cold. The grass might not be growing as fast, but it still needs lots of nutrients so it can hunker down for winter. Depending on the type of grass in your lawn, you might need to fertilize and aerate it. Also, rake up the mulch so the water can get to the subsoil. You can also either use the leaves that will be coming as compost, or mow them up and leave them on the yard as a fertilizer.

2. Remove the dead stuff, but don’t prune Fall is a good time to get rid of dead wood, plants, and such. Resist the urge to prune though. The new growth might not have enough to time before the frost hits to really grow strong enough to survive. Plus, the plants are supposed to focus on conserving for winter, not feeding new growth.

3. Clean the furniture Patio chairs, tables, benches, and even the vinyl fencing have probably collected pollen and dirt over the summer. Clean them well and prepare them for storage if needed. Sharpen tools and remove rust, and check if there are any items that need replaced. 

4. Move plants indoors Those plants that don’t like the cold will need to be moved indoors, especially the ones in containers. Tropical plants will do fine inside, but herbs need lots of light. Perennials in containers can be transplanted into the garden to be ready for spring. Fall is also a good time to plant bulbs for the spring.

5. Make your yard bird-friendly More birds mean less insect pests, which means less work for you as far as spraying and dusting goes.

6. Take stock of the overall feel of your garden/yard What worked well? What was too much work? What didn’t survive? Where are the holes? Is it private enough? Do you need a gate? A fence? Fall is a good time to plan for next year. 

Call us at today at 801-768-4794 or request a quote here for your all your fencing needs.