Start Fresh with Vinyl Fencing

I have a friend that purchased a new home this last winter and now that the weather is getting nice he wants to start working on his yard. He’s starting from scratch because the home he bought was never lived in and the builder didn’t want to put anything in for fear of losing more money in the deal. So other than the essentials (garden, grass, flowers) he really needs to put in fencing. Besides adding to the look of the house a proper fence can protect your families privacy and keep animals that you don’t want eating your hard worked for garden vegetables. But picking the correct fence is where he has run into a problem.

He finally decided on vinyl fencing and this is why…

A vinyl fence has many advantages over other forms of fences. It is made from PVC so it will hold up well in the large variety of weather conditions in Utah and he doesn’t have to worry about termites. Because vinyl fencing is free of harmful chemicals it is environmentally friendly. You don’t need paint this fence because it absorbs moisture and will retain its color. When you finally decide on what material you are going to use here are a few steps that will help you get it done.

  1. Prepare your budget first. There are a large variety of styles and prices to choose from.
  2. Choose the color that will look best with your home and yard. Lighter colors tend to be best because they stay cool longer and help prevent your fence from warping if it gets too hot.
  3. Get the measurements. Go to the professional on this. The benefit here is that you can get a quote on the exact amount that you need and won’t have to worry about under/over measuring.
  4. The hard work begins. While it seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to piece together a vinyl fence the quality of a fence put up by a professional will pay off in the long run. They know how to makes sure those things that Mother Nature throws at you won’t damage your structure.
Call us at today at 801-768-4794 or request a quote here for your all your fencing needs.