Christmas Fences

Christmas is close around the corner. And one of the first things to do, hopefully before there is too much snow in the way, is to hang up outdoor Christmas lights. The roof and the window frames are great places for lights, but another easy place to add lights is the fence. Depending on the size of your fence, you might not even need a ladder.

Picket fences are particularly easy to hang lights on. Simply put one bulb in front of the first picket, wrap the string behind the next picket, then go in front of the third, and follow this pattern to the end of the string. If you want, you can use a second string with the opposite pattern so that there are visible lights on every picket. 

Staples are another good method to attach lights, and can make the lights hang in a straight line. One problem with staples is that they can leave holes in some fences, particularly vinyl. So a better solution is to use zip ties to make the lights stay straight. Another solution is to let the lights hang with a dip. This creates a pleasing wave or scallop style. 

Lights aren’t the only thing that make a good decoration for fences. Garlands (hung in a similar way to the lights) are also wonderful. The add greenery and life to a fence, especially after a snowfall. You can also add bows to the garland, or outside ornaments. 

Another decoration that works well on a fence is a wreath. Wreaths are a symbol of welcoming and harmony, so hanging one on the gate or several along the fence makes for a welcoming cheerful sight.

If you are looking for a simple way to decorate your fence, a red, gold, or green ribbon wrapped around the fence is nice. You could also hang a sheet of plastic or metal that looks like wrapping paper, turning your fence into a giant present.

One thing to keep in mind with your outdoor decorating is to check the mood of the neighborhood. If you do simple wreaths and the rest of the block is going all out with lights and air dolls and music, you might feel left out. On the other hand, if the rest of the neighborhood is doing simple things, your house might be considered an eyesore if you do 200 strings of lights. How much you decorate and with what will be determined by where you live and your time and budget. But the fence is always a good place to add a little festive cheer.

Call us at today at 801-768-4794 or request a quote here for your all your fencing needs.