A Vegetable Garden on Your Deck

Growing vegetables is a great way to save money and eat healthy, but the idea of digging, and then spending all summer weeding and watering might make you pause. But there is another way to enjoy the benefits of a healthy vegetable garden with having to do all the work: grow a garden on your deck.

To start, you will need to determine what kinds of plants to, well, plant. Some good choices include tomatoes, cucumbers, leaf lettuce, bush beans, peppers, herbs, spinach, radishes, green onions, carrots, and swiss chard. If you do carrots, radishes, or onions, make sure you have a deep enough container for the vegetables to actually grow in the soil. Another thing to think about is the sunlight your deck receives. Decking in Utah is often in full sunlight, which is great for carrots, peppers, tomatoes, and other plants, but some plants do better in partial or even full shade. Check the instructions on the seedlings or seed packets.

Next, you will need a few containers for your plants. Almost anything non-toxic will do, from leftover crates and bowls to pots specifically designed for a deck garden. Just be sure that the container is big enough that the plant can have some good roots, and that there is good drainage for water. Most of the time, a simple 1/2 inch hole in the bottom of the container will do the trick. Also, make sure your container is full of good soil. Don’t just grab soil out of your yard–it might not have the nutrients your plants will need. Instead, find some all-purpose, garden, or potting soil at your local garden center. Compost is also an option.

One last material you might need is a trellis. Some plants, like tomatoes, like to vine and spread out. Since they won’t have any place to go horizontally, you’ll need to give them a way to go vertically. A trellis or tomato cage will work great. One benefit of the plants growing up is that it will be easier to harvest the produce.

Another benefit of deck gardening is that weeds are more uncommon. Weeds can still happen, so keep an eye out for them while you are watering. Watering needs will vary by plant, but plan on watering your potted garden once a day, or when the soil is dry. The amount of sun and the temperature will also affect how often you should water. If you plan on being gone from home or know you might forget to water your plants, think about investing in a drip watering system. These can be automated so they will turn on even if you forget or leave, plus the tiny hoses can easily be hidden under the deck railing.

Growing a garden on your deck is a great way to have fresh vegetables and herbs during the summer, and is also a great space saver. Why not try it this year?

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